報名表格 English Course Enrollment

請選擇課前測試日期 (可多選以便安排日子)Please select the day(s) for the pre-lesson assessment

請選擇上課日期 Please select a class

學生常用語言 (可多選)Student's commonly used language(s) (you can choose more than one language)

您是從哪裏認識Learniversity的?Where did you hear about Learniversity?

本人明白及接受報名表下方的條款內容及細則 I understand and accept the terms and conditions below

條款及細則 Terms and Conditions


  • 學生若缺席課堂,必須於課堂開始前(不少於2小時)通知我們。因課程只為期四堂,時間所限,不設補課。
  • 已繳交之費用於任何情況下恕不退回或轉讓。

(1)Guidelines for absences

  • Students are required to notify us of any class absence at least 2 hours before the commencement of the class. As the course consists of only four sessions, and time is limited, makeup classes will not be arranged.
  • Once enrolment is confirmed, the fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances.



  • 若八號烈風或暴風信號、紅色或黑色暴雨警告訊號懸掛,當日課堂將會取消,並不設退款。
  • 如上課前兩小時除下八號烈風或暴風信號、紅色或黑色暴雨警告訊號,課堂將繼續進行。
  • 如因惡劣天氣而取消課堂,將安排補課。
  • 如因任何不可抗力因素(例如戰爭、暴亂、天災及疫症等)令課堂不可能或不適宜按原定計劃進行,已繳交的學費恕不退回或轉讓。

(2) Guidelines for Severe Weather and Class Cancellation

  • If Typhoon Signal No.8 or above, or Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, classes scheduled for the day will be cancelled, and no refund will be provided.
  • If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above, or Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is lowered at least two hours before the scheduled class, the class will proceed as planned.
  • Classes cancelled due to adverse weather conditions will be rescheduled.
  • In the case of any force majeure events (such as war, civil unrest, natural disasters, and pandemics) that make it impossible or inappropriate to conduct classes as originally planned, the tuition fees paid will not be refunded or transferred. 



  • 課堂上拍攝之照片及影片有可能發佈於社交平台、網站或印刷於出版刊物。

(3)Photographs and Other Media

  • Photographs and videos taken during the classes may be published on social media platforms, websites, or printed in publications.



  • Learniversity所蒐集之個人資料僅供用作聯絡及報名之用。在未經同意之下,Learniversity不會將個人資料用作其他用途。
  • 我們將根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》收集、保存及使用報名者的個人資料。
  • 除獲法定執法機構要求或因法律程序要求外,Learniversity不會以任何形式提供任何報名者個人資料予第三者。
  • 除獲法定執法機構要求或因法律程序要求外,於課程完結後,Learniversity將於三個月內銷毀所有個人資料。

(4)Use of Personal Data

  • The personal data collected by Learniversity is only used for the purpose of communication and enrollment. Without consent, Learniversity will not use personal data for any other purposes.
  • We will collect, store, and use the personal data of applicants in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
  • Except when required by law enforcement agencies or legal processes, Learniversity will not provide any personal data of applicants to third parties in any form.
  • Upon completion of the course, Learniversity will destroy all personal data within three months, except when required by law enforcement agencies or legal processes.



  • 為確保課程能順利進行,Learniversity保留以上條款及細則之最終修改、 新增、刪改及闡釋權利。
  • 有關條款及細則闡釋,一切以Learniversity為準。
  • 以上條文如有修改、 新增、刪改等,請留意官方宣佈,恕不另行作個別通知。
  • 於課堂前後,在任何的情況下,Learniversity及其職員均不會為任何原因所引致的任何損失、傷害或意外, 承擔任何法律責任。


  • In order to ensure the smooth running of the courses, Learniversity reserves the right to make final modifications, additions, deletions, and interpretations to the above terms and conditions.
  • For the interpretation of the terms and conditions, Learniversity’s interpretation shall prevail.
  • Please pay attention to official announcements regarding any modifications, additions, deletions, etc., to the above provisions. Individual notifications will not be provided separately.
  • Before and after the classes, Learniversity and its staff will not be held legally responsible for any losses, injuries, or accidents arising from any cause under any circumstances.


For enquiries, please contact us via WhatsApp, phone, or email.